In IT Ops, separate security teams should be a thing of the past

Dom Glavach Chief Security Strategist, CyberSN

IT operations management is a critical function in every industry sector, delivering efficient, cost-effective operations and business continuity. IT Ops roles, responsibilities, and reporting structures vary from organization to organization, but IT Operations has three core functional areas: computer operations and help desk, network infrastructure, and server and device management. Following traditional IT Ops frameworks, security falls into the network infrastructure team.

Preventing data breaches and maintaining compliance are on top of everyone's agenda today. But embedding cybersecurity as a function within IT Ops creates conflicting priorities. IT Ops is chartered with business enablement and continuity—supporting clients, and maintaining and enhancing infrastructure. Security teams assess risks, manage vulnerabilities, and detect and respond to cyber attack activity. Security teams strive to secure the business and maintain compliance.

Security at DevOps speed

The priority of rapid service delivery (need to move into production) is in conflict with that of the secure service delivery (need time to address security risks”). This conflict can interfere with short-term business goals; leaving security labeled as a bottleneck and potentially viewed as a business inhibitor.

The security team as a subdivision of IT is a thing of the past. Security Operations (SecOps) is an independent group within the business chartered with integrating secure business practices while continuing to drive growth. Cybersecurity leaders and SecOps are to be partners with IT Ops.

To become partners in business enablement, IT Ops and SecOps leaders must collaborate and become unified in the conflicting priority challenges. The speed of technology, the evolving threat landscape and business demands will continue to impact ITOps and SecOps priorities unless there is an effective communication and method of planning.

Enter the continuous enterprise

Effective communication and planning of IT Ops and SecOps projects, along with day-to-day operations that are parallel and complement activities, keep everyone focused on a common goal of cost-effective, secure, and continuous operations. Cross-training between IT Ops and SecOps decreases the imaginary barriers that occur when two operationally focused teams function independently.

The security team being a subset of IT Ops is a thing of the past. SecOps and IT Ops are independent groups aligned as partners in business enablement, market brand enhancement, and product discriminators.

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