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These developer city rankings take into account cost of living, developer salaries adjusted for cost of living, software engineering job openings,...
Learn JavaScript from the best with this list of the top JavaScript developers and influencers on Twitter.
Limiting the number of keys in the system because the key server can't handle enough is too risky. If you don't believe me, wait until you read...
Here's how systems administrators can adapt—and thrive—during a DevOps transition.
Learn these forgotten and forbidden code constructs. They might just help you write better code.
With the citizen developer movement gaining momentum, many enterprises are wondering if it’s time to invest in a low-code platform. If so, how...
As Malcolm Isaacs explains in his new eBook, continuous testing doesn’t happen by itself. It requires a significant shift in thinking.
These five tips will help you move fast and still achieve top-quality software delivery.
Matthew David explains "fog computing" and how it can deliver greater results from your IoT architecture.
The IoT is a hot market for software engineers. Here's how to break in.
