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6 min read - A test automation craftsman needs the right tools. But not everyone has the skills to wield them.
5 min read - To be an effective testing leader, understand your role and how you can best serve your team, while also meeting your organization's goals.
5 min read - Need to understand the basics of DevSecOps? This TechBeacon Learn track gives you all the answers.
5 min read - A lot of test automation novices struggle. Here are some of the root causes of these struggles, along with advice on how to overcome them.
8 min read - High turnover gets very costly, very fast. Find out how to keep your QA testers engaged and happy at work, and the benefits that brings to your...
5 min read - Having coding skills is quickly becoming a must-have for the modern software tester.
Coffee next to a laptop
5 min read - This year's World Quality Report shows end-user satisfaction is now at the top of testing-strategy goals.
6 min read - Becoming a full-stack tester is rife with dangers. Here's what you should do instead: Pick a niche and go deep.
5 min read - When QA testing demands specific domain expertise, resist the urge to hire specialists. Train your testing generalists and use domain specialists...
5 min read - Applying test coverage methodology to your QA hiring process will give you a better team and result in a better process and product overall. 
