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GDPR, open source vulnerabilities, and going beyond the OWASP Top 10: Here's what dev teams and app sec pros need to know.
Here are the top folks to follow on Twitter who will help keep your applications safe from malicious hackers.
Application security is becoming essential, and the time for zero trust is nigh. Here's how to reduce your company's risk profile.
Here's what developers need to know about the WebAuthn API, and how to implement it in their services.
Security testing is rarely as conclusive as other testing. Here's how QA for security differs—and how to do it right. 
You can find many open source container security tools, but these are the best for Docker.
Application security testing is not optional. Experts share six best practices for DevOps environments.
All testing techniques have their places in the secure development lifecycle, but code coverage and static analysis are your best line of defense.
This year will be another record-setter for software vulnerabilities. Stay process-oriented to stay ahead. 
Developers may never become experts in security, and that's OK. But they must share a common goal of securing the product.
